Unlike other bands Radarrummel does not try to exploit the fans economicly. They do however require a small fee for the produktion of the listet merchandise, and further more do they require a small amount of money in order to survive (and rummel)...enjoy...
(613 pages by Gerz Höltich)
Special online offer:
only € 49.99 (plus postage)
2 copies only € 48.99 each
for more than 50 copies the price is
only € 45.99 each (plus postage)
(1.041 pages by Gerz Höltich)
only € 77.77 (incl. postage)
for 7 or more copies
€78.01 each (plus postage)
At christmas all prizes
listed are increased by 300%.
(10.066 pages by Bloys Heemskerck)
only € 3 each
2 copies for € 6
3 copies for € 9
and so on...
(366 pages by Algolaknikäeser)
(845 pages by Algolaknikaeser)
(second hand)
(limited stock)
The terminal of the famous AEGIS radar of the
Ticonderoga class of USS cruisers and the Arleigh Burke
class of USS destroyers. State of the art -
however unsuitable for Radarrummel use.
only € 199 each
no wholesale discount
The classical yellow umbrella of Reinhard. It protects the
user from the rain when properly used. It is not genuine -
but a finely crafted replica.
only € 20 each
The trashcan is used for trash storage before the great
refuse collector comes and gathers his trash for his own
sinister needs.
Very practical and cheap.
only € 1,95 each
100 cans for only € 20
A nice T-shirt with the inscription: Rummel is of the essence
on the back and on the front: To hell with all you stupid
people of Vancouver.
sizes XSS, XS, X and XXL.
only € 10 each
1 000 000 shirts for only € 10 000 000
Reduce your weight alarmingly - be the slimmest on the hill
before you die.
A glass containing 100 pills for only € 99,99